DEPARTMENT HOMELAND SECURITY PROPOSED By Paul McGuire The Department of Homeland Security proposed placing an RFID radio chip in your driver’s license. The new driver’s license would be called “The Enhanced Driver License and ID Card.” The radio chip would transmit electronic identification and personal information about you without you knowing when it is being read. For example, a couple of hundred people could walk into a church or participate in a political rally. The Government would be able to know the name’s addresses and personal information about who attended the church or rally without the people even knowing it. In other words, you would not have to take out your new Enhanced Driver License and ID Card or pass it through some device. It always transmits information about you whether you know it or not. You could be walking or going anywhere and you would be under constant surveillance without you knowing it. You could simply pass a police car, guilty of no crime and information about you would be transmitted. This technology could be interfaced with retailers, schools, geographic locations, churches, coffee shops or anywhere and your presence would be constantly watched and monitored. Obviously, certain people’s next-generation REAL ID card could be programmed externally without them knowing it making them target’s of constant surveillance.
Since, the current terrorism laws are written in such a broad sense you could be targeted for making a critical comment of a politician, political party, law or policy. Let’s say you expressed disapproval of an administrations economic policy or voted in favor of Proposition 8 the Pro-Traditional Family Bill in California. Your “Enhanced Driver License and ID Card” could identify you as a “terrorist” or place you in some other category to justify placing you under surveillance and restrict your activities. Perhaps, you were passing out tracts and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you attend a true Bible believing church or you disapproved of a government or school program. Your card could be activated and you would be restricted and watched much like a sex offender or criminal is who had to wear an RFID ankle bracelet which always transmits information about where you go and restricts where you can go. You don’t believe it! Well, wake up and smell the coffee it is already on the Department of Homeland Security website and it is used in Washington State and parts of Canada. Of course, there’s no discussion of its potential abuses. But, the point is it is already being used in Washington State and complete information about it is on the Washington State website. There are many States including California which are signed up for this new technology – a kind of wireless national ID Card. Many Christians live in a fantasy world about what is happening in America. The day is coming soon when all Bible believing Christians will be identified and it will be illegal to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The U.S. will follow Communist China’s policy. There will be two kinds of churches in America, the State approved “Christian” churches which preach a watered down Gospel. Some of the biggest names in Christian media and leadership are already preaching a watered down Gospel that would be approved of in Communist China or in this New America. But, like in Communist China there is the true Christian Church which has been driven underground because they actually teach and preach the Bible. There is going to be a Great Divide among Christians in America. First, there will those Christians whose religion is approved by the State because it is so compromised and watered down. This represents a large percentage of Christians in America who are part of the Great Apostasy. They use many of the Christian words and even claim to believe in being “born again,” but their Gospel is so watered down that a totalitarian government would welcome them for their ability to pacify the people. Then, as in China, there is the true Christian church where men and women are being persecuted for their genuine faith in Christ. Which camp do you belong in? What kind of Church do you attend? Decades ago the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer, of whom I had the privilege of producing feature films with his son, said that during the time of the Reagan Administration, the Lord gave the one last window of opportunity to the Church in America. Today, that window is shutting as we speak. Dr. Schaeffer’s voice would be thundering across this land. Instead, we have preachers who view themselves as “entertainer” and “celebrities” blabbing about nothing, or worse, apostasy as the Titanic sinks. Jesus Christ is returning, but there is a wave of persecution and oppression coming that the sleeping Church in America is completely unprepared for. We are like the German Church just before the Third Reich took over and the horrors began. I believe in the Rapture of the Church, but the Rapture is not an “American Rapture.” God did not say in the Bible that when American Christians face trouble I will rapture them. A great pastor shared with me recently, that when he took a stand on a moral and spiritual issue the other pastors of this movement that has been used of God said to him, “I have just been called to preach the Gospel” and they used those words to justify their apathy. In our sinful nature’s we have an amazing capacity to deceive ourselves. Nowhere in Scripture does it say “I have just been called to preach the Gospel,” unless you take a verse out of context. Nowhere! Certainly, Jesus Christ called us to fulfill the Great Commission where the saving of souls would be a priority! But, not at the exclusion of the rest of the Great Commission which calls us to make disciples, teach the nations how to obey His commandments. There are numerous scriptures throughout the Old and New Testament calling us to speak out for righteousness. The only way we can prevent what is now coming upon us is to have a spiritual, legal and peaceful revolution in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia and other nations! We are doing that with this ministry. I suggest you download the MP3 entitled “The Spiritual Revolution” on the website. I believe God will grant us a “Great Awakening” and a last harvest before His return, if we are obedient and seek His face. The American Church is steeped in apostasy and must repent before it is too late. Much of the American Church is worshipping the gods of personal peace and prosperity, but using the name of Christ. The Lord has allowed our nation to be shaken and that shaking has just begun! We are losing our personal peace and prosperity. There will be riots in the streets and the marching of military boots sooner than you think. But, God is eager to forgive and rescues His people, if they will repent. But, that repentance has not happened yet. Just listen to the content of many sermons. The Church is asleep and the hour is late, very late. God will provide for His people who are obedient. God is ready to move. Millions across this land and across this world can be ignited by the fires of the Holy Spirit and genuine revival can spread pushing back the powers of darkness, restraining the spirit of antichrist ready to seize control! I have been called to be a Watchman, and a Watchman I shall be! I see the enemy approaching and I have blown a trumpet, I have raised my voice like thunder at great personal cost. But, I stand before the Lord knowing that I have blown the trumpet and I have issued a warning. The blood is not on my hands. However imperfect I maybe I was faithful to sound the alarm and I will continue to sound the alarm. We are moving out on radio and television. Not for the purpose of Christian entertainment and speaking like a false prophet and telling the people of God everything is going to be okay. It is not going to be okay unless there is true repentance and a spiritual call to arms. Millions of us around the world ablaze by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the power of the Spirit winning people to Christ before His return. Standing up for righteousness and restraining the forces of evil. There is a call upon me and a call upon you! Will you join me while there is still time or will you slumber in Laodecia? We can see the Lord’s grace and mercy! There is still hope and God is more than capable of miraculous divine intervention! I need your help to build a radio and television facility so that we can go on doors that have opened for us. I am not talking about building a building. I am talking producing programming for radio and television both locally and internationally. But, I need you help! We are in danger of losing our nation. Do you understand that? A totalitarian state is rising and you will have nothing. Together in the power of the Lord we can launch a peaceful and legal spiritual revolution. The fires of revival can be spread and freedom can be preserved. But, this will require a bold step on the part of some of you in every area of your life. The call of God is upon you as the call of God is upon me. The Spirit of the Lord is ministering to you even as you read these words bearing witness to the truth of these statements. Together now is the time to move forward! |
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