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Paul’s New Series McGuire Economic Report:13
The One World Economic System is Here


Prepare for a new currency such as the “amero” dollar to be in effect suddenly. How this interfaces with the radical transformation of America into a Communist nation. What international bankers and capitalists are financing a world currency and new America or North American Union ruled by a Socialist Elite. The planned destruction of the Middle Class and the coming microchip implant. Martial Law or transformation through an engineered crisis. Prophecy fulfilled How to be ready.

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The goal is for the G20 to transform the International Monetary Fund (IMF) into a global Federal Reserve System.  It is the Federal Reserve System which has controlled the U.S. money supply since 1914.  The Federal Reserve System has nothing to do with the “Federal” government. It is a secretive and private corporation owned by international banking interests who control our political system, economy and money.  In short, since 1914 the U.S. Government ended being a government run by “we the people” and has been under the control of international bankers. The Council on Foreign Relations is run by the same people who run the Federal Reserve. Here we have two of the most powerful groups in America and the world and there is almost a complete media black-out on them. The average American knows nothing about them except disinformation.  Anyone who brings up the “elephants in the living room” is marginalized and demonized. Both political parties are controlled by these groups and their agenda has been a one world economic system and a one world government for a long time. 

Although, they do not realize it they are a fulfillment of the ancient prophecies of Daniel when he predicted a Revived Roman Empire and the “Fourth Beast.”

We are moving quickly to Revelation Chapter 13 which talks of a global government and a one world economic system along with a “mark of the beast.”  The majority of the Church in America and around the world in Western nations is the Laodecian Church which had lost its spiritual vision.  The root cause for this is that especially the Church in America has been seduced into substituting the philosophies of men for the Word of God.  We are far deeper into the great apostasy that the Apostle Paul warned us about in II Thessalonians than most people realize. False teachers and false prophets abound in our time, except they do not wear signs which say “false teacher” on them.

The future is not all doom and gloom. God is preparing and is doing something powerful in his Church and His people in the last days. I believe we are on the verge of the greatest move of God in the history of the Church and the final harvest before Christ returns.  But, we must recognize the good and the bad of our present day reality. First, unless God’s people repent of their apostasy and unbelief we are going to move into a “Police State” in many nations. The men and women, at the top, of this move towards global government, a new world order and a one world economic system are anticipating resistance and they have been preparing for years.  There are many Christian’s who think it is “spiritual” to ignore these things. The greatest evangelical theological of the last 100 years was Dr. Francis Schaeffer. He warned that persecution and totalitarianism was coming.  You can worship your favorite Christian author or Bible teacher, but they are no match for the spiritual and intellectual integrity of Dr. Francis Schaeffer. I had the privilege or working closely with members of this family for years.  Schaeffer saw what was coming 30 years ago.

There is still a small window of opportunity to change our nation and the world before the return of Christ. But, this requires dealing with reality as it is and not living in a “strawberry fields” forever Christian reality. Bible teachers and ministers who are not telling you the truth about what is really going on are false prophets. No matter how loving they may seem.

On the economic and spiritual level we are going to give you the resources you will need to fulfill God’s plan for your life. Knowledge is power. The first step is to read “The Day The Dollar Died” so you can understand it. Secondly, we are providing resources on practical things you can do.  Thirdly, God has given us one last opportunity for a law abiding, peaceful and spiritual revolution. A Third Great Awakening before His return.  But, this spiritual revolution will impact the surrounding society and will not simply be an emotional high or experience. You can join us in this spiritual revolution.  It only takes a small dedicated minority to change a nation. You do not need a majority.  Remember the Communists in Russia took control and they were less than 10%. 

First, let us look at what is happening economically. First, the present financial crisis is being manufactured to create fear and force people into change. They want to use it to remove the Constitution and move you into a one world socialist government where you lose your freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

It is important that they have economic central planning on a global scale, which would be an international Federal Reserve.  This would be a giant step toward global government. They say they need new global powers are because the economic crisis we face is global. This means a U.N. Constitution where you lose your freedoms.  It means accepting the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child which gives the U.N. the power to raise your children anyway they see fit. That means your children can be sexually active, watch pornography and will be taught that Christianity is wrong. If you object y you are arrested. If you think that is paranoia than read the documents! 


The new IMF or International Federal Reserve is about global government. The IMF as Global Fed would be about as accountable as our Federal Reserve. The Congress and the American people have no idea where trillions of dollars in Fed loans have gone and there is no intention to tell them. Many of you have your favorite conservative pundits.  But you are not watching or listening carefully. They may gloss over the truth but they will never get into it. They are there to placate you and make you feel like something is happening.  Some of the biggest conservative talk show hosts never talk about the details of the Federal Reserve of the Council on Foreign Relations. Why do you think that is?

Here are some mainstream articles for you to read.  You put the puzzle together for yourself:


January 28, Edwin M. Truman of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, writes an op-ed for VoxEU , “IMF Reform: An Unfinished Agenda.”


• Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd w op-ed  in the Wall Street Journal on February 11 - “Renewing the IMF.”


• Lord Peter B. Mandelson, U.K.’s secretary of state for business, enterprise and regulatory reform, spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on February 17 (“A Conversation with Peter B. Mandelson”) on the global financial meltdown.

• British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for a “Global New Deal” in at a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress and in remarks the day before at the White House on March 4.


• Wall Street Journal  “IMF Urges Global Financial Rules”


"A Message for the G20,"  by Martin Wolf, an editor of the Financial Times called on President Obama to increase the power of the IMF. (One World Economic System)


Prophecy In The Local Church Teaching Series By Paul McGuire



This is the beginning of Revelation Chapter 13 coming true before our eyes. I hear so much irresponsible preaching and teaching it is appalling. I believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, but the Bible does not teach an “American Rapture.” Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the moment  American Christian’s get into trouble God is going to Rapture them because they are Americans. God is and can move powerfully in our life.  Joseph and Daniel are examples of what can do through His people, if they seek His face. The great apostasy is sweeping into the American Church and churches around the world. You must read your Bible for yourself!  You must discern the spirits.  You must judge prophecy!

Why are you attending and tithing in a Church that is in apostasy? There are Churches that are being obedient and that is where you must attend and tithe.  We will all be accountable at the judgment seat of Christ.

Sign up for our free “McGuire Prophecy Report E Mail Newsletter.”

Join us and come to one of our meetings. God is raising up a remnant in the last days.  We are reaching the world for Christ and we are laboring in the final harvest. There are millions of souls that are going to come to Christ and we must stand for righteousness.

In addition, we will supply you with information on how you can prepare practically. 


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