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By Paul McGuire



I wish I could say it was not true. I wish I could say that this is all a bunch of conspiracy theory nonsense.  “Right-wing wacko talk” broadcast on shortwave radio from Nevada. But, the problem is that I have done my home work for over 20 years and I have devoted thousands of hours to the subject.  If you doubt want I am about to say than read my book “Countdown to Armageddon.” Or you can visit the website listed below and read the Council on Foreign Relations report entitled “Building a North American Community.” The website is listed below. 



I was the first syndicated radio talk show host in the nation to talk about this and I warned about it in my book “Are You Ready?”


While many conservative radio talk show hosts dismiss the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States as a “conspiracy theory” the former Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin has openly talked about it on radio and television. When I was interviewing Tony Snow, the former White House Press Secretary under President Bush, about the merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States, he laughed it off and said it was not true.  Yet, not only has the Prime Minister of Canada talked about it in the media, the former President of Mexico Vicente Fox talked about it on “The Larry King Show” on CNN. In fact, I have a link for you below, and if you go the Council on Foreign Relations website they have a report on it entitled “Building The North American Union” which you can read for yourself.


The reality is that there is a plan to unify Mexico, Canada and the United States into some kind of “community.”  The problem is that it is being done out in the open and behind your back at the same time. What I am about to say is going to bother some people. But, it needs to be said! The reality is the average American, and the majority of the media has absolutely no idea about what is going on. Ironically, on the DNC website there is information on this, and pressure on George W. Bush to give full disclosure about this. Now, if the DNC website talks about this, then why is there a media black-out on the subject?


How can the political leaders in American lead the people when they have absolutely no idea about what is going on politically, economically or spiritually? There are massive socio-political changes on the horizon which will radically change America, and these men are clueless.  I recognize that what I am about to say is going to be difficult for many of you. The temptation is going to be to dismiss it was “right-wing conspiracy theory nut stuff.”  Believe me! I understand the Internet is exploding with conspiracy nuts. 


If I was to talk to your average persona about this, they would give me that glazed over look. They have no idea what is going on culturally, spiritually, and politically in our nation. Neither does your average pastor. Let me summarize what is going on in a nutshell. We are on the verge of a merger of Mexico, Canada and the United States by 2010 or 2015. The illusion of separate governments will be maintained, but in hard cold economic and political realities these nations will become one.


This means massive transfers of money from America into Mexico, and it means merging our government with the socialist government of Canada. Already Supreme Court justices like Ginsburg are pointing to “International Law” for the legal precedent. Why do you think that is?  The reason for this is that International Law or United Nations law will replace U.S. law. The ACLU and other groups totally understand this. There is a soft revolution going on in the United States today. 


We are moving into an environment of radical cultural relativism where saying or thinking anything that is not politically correct will be illegal. We will have arrived into the world of Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” where the fire department burned books. Free speech and freedom are at stake in a world where “elites” determine our fate behind the scenes. Tragically, the Republican and Democratic Party are doing nothing about this!


 *Go to for complete information and read their “Building A North American Future” report.





Progress Report on the TEC website



A commemorative AMERO dollar coin

‘Amero Coming Within Decade”


The Amero Dollar is coming faster than you think. Canada, Mexico, and the United States will be merged into a North American Union with a common currency which will be called the “amero.” The world will have regional currencies, and regional governments. “Tripartite” is the game plan for United Nations Regionalism.  The North American Union which consists of Canada, Mexico, and the United States is the first phase of what is called the “Americas. The second phase will be CAFTA type regional government consisting of all the North American, and South American nations. The European Union already has their Euro Dollar, and  the African Union is moving rapidly into of regional economic system, with the African Central Bank organzing to create the “Gold Mandela” as a single African continental currency by the year 2010. In addition, there will be other regional economic and government structures for the Middle East, and AsAffairs magazine, Ben Steil wrote an article entitled “The End of Currency.” Phase Two of this operation will be the creation of a global currency along with some kind of global government.   


Here is a summary of Steil’s article: “Global financial instability has sparked a surge in “monetary nationalism” -- the idea that countries must make and control their own currencies. But globalization and monetary nationalism are a dangerous combination, a cause of financial crises and geopolitical tension. The world needs to abandon unwanted currencies, replacing them with dollars, euros, and multinational currencies as yet unborn”Benn Steil is Director of International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations and a co-author of Financial Statecraft.


Canada, Mexico and the United States face a growing threat posed by the spread of avian influenza and the potential emergence of a human influenza pandemic. The highly pathogenic H5N1 virus, which re-emerged in Asia in late 2003, has already spread to Europe, the Middle East and Africa. While the virus has not yet reached North America, the three countries must be prepared for the day when it—or some other highly contagious virus—does.




The North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza (Plan) outlines a collaborative North American approach that recognizes that controlling the spread of avian influenza or a novel strain of human influenza, with minimal economic disruption, is in the best interest of all three countries. It outlines how Canada, Mexico and the United States intend to work together to prepare for and manage avian and pandemic influenza.


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