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It appears that we have learned nothing from our last economic disaster!

By Paul McGuire | May 11, 2015

Tomorrow morning you could wake up and see anarchy, riots in the streets, banks closed, and war breaking out between Russia and NATO, or a major conflict in the Middle East. Once the American people see the mass looting of stores, millions of other Americans will succumb to the herd mentality and join the looters to get food, medicine, and other items in order to survive. When the average American fully realizes that the money he deposited in the bank is no longer legally his and that he has been reclassified as a creditor due to new regulations implemented at 

the recent G20 meeting of the world’s top twenty economies, widespread panic will set in. The new banking laws legally block people who have placed their retirement funds, savings, and pension funds in banks from withdrawing their money. In an economic crisis, the banks would close and hard working Americans would have to wait in line for their money after the giant financial institutions that are first in line get theirs. Obviously, by the time the financial institutions get their money, there will be nothing left for ordinary working people.  

Many people falsely believe that their money is insured by the FDIC through the full power of the American government for up to $250,000.00. But if there is a major economic crisis the government will not be able to pay out that kind of money. This is what happened in Greece when the government closed the banks in a process called “bank bail-ins.” The government and the banks blocked people from withdrawing their savings, pensions, and other funds so that the people’s money could be used to pay off the bank debts. The people of Greece were starving and destitute, which resulted in riots and threats of a violent overthrow of the government.  

If you connect the dots, then the increase of massive government surveillance on the American people, the widespread use of drones, the eliminations of due process, and martial law exercises like Jade Helm where U.S. soldiers, helicopters and armored vehicles will be sent into states and cities all begin to make sense.

October 17, 2015 is the deadline for agreeing on the federal budget, along with the possibility of the government defaulting on its loans. On the same day two large drills are going to take place: The Great Shake Out Earth Quake Drill and The Quantum Dawn Two Cyber Attack Bank Drill, where simulated Cyber attacks on the banking system may cause people to discover that they 

can’t log in to their online banking accounts. If this scenario were to become real, it could mean that “bank bail-ins” have been initiated and the kinds of riots and looting that happened in Greece would happen here.

It appears that we have learned nothing from our last economic disaster. On September 18, 2008, the Treasury pumped $105 billion into the system in an attempt to stem the tide of the financial crisis. There was an electronic run on the banks which therefore decided to close down the money accounts. If they had not done that, their projection was that by 2:00 PM over $6 trillion would have been taken out of the money market system, which would have collapsed the entire U.S. economy, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed. The result would have been the end of our economic and political system and the fall of America.

Once the banks close their doors and shut down the ATM’s and online banking there will be mass anarchy. Did you ever ask yourself why so many large banks across America have installed large bulletproof see-through plastic barriers in front of the teller windows? Did you think they were put in to just stop bank robberies?

Again, in September of 2008, US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson advised the U.S. government to resort to martial law if Wall Street was not bailed out from the credit collapse. The 2008 crisis was a run not on the conventional banking system, but on what is called the “shadow banking system,” which consists of non-bank financial institutions, financial service

institutions, unregulated traditional commercial banks which manage hedge funds, money market funds, credit investment funds, private equity funds, securities broker dealers, and finance companies. Under the new laws investment banks and commercial banks are allowed to conduct a huge part of their business in the “shadow” financial casino, which is gambling on over $290 million in highly risky contracts called derivatives.

At the same time there is a European Crisis unfolding in relationship to Greece. There is the potential of the breakup and radical reorganization of the European Union. This could ignite a global debt implosion that would 

seriously weaken Eastern Europe, which could cause a conflict between Russia, NATO, the EU, and the United States. There is a reason our military command is moving back under Cheyenne Mountain: World War III could be ignited. In addition, a strong Russia and a weak Europe could cause a Russian/Iranian invasion of Israel which was predicted in Ezekiel Chapter 38.

Clearly we are on the edge of catastrophe! There are two paths set before us. First, an economic crisis in the U.S. which ignites anarchy, riots, 

looting, civil war, and martial law. This is the path we are currently set on. The second path is a powerful spiritual awakening with Americans realizing that they are responsible for the demise of our nation because, as Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” This spiritual awakening is contingent upon our understanding that God, not government and man made institutions, is our source. The socialist mindset, which believes that there is no God and that only a world socialist government can solve our problems must be rejected and there must be a return to the spiritual, economic, moral, and social ideas prevalent at the founding of America. If this happens in a significant percentage of the American people there may yet be a Mass Awakening that can turn the tide before crisis erupts.

I outline in my book, MASS AWAKENING how a spiritual mass awakening such as a Third Great Awakening can enable us to avert catastrophe. Apart from that we are going right off the cliff!


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