By Paul McGuire The Illuminati plan for World War III began with the Fabian Socialists like H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell, and a vision by Albert Pike written down in 1871. The Illuminati are a secret Luciferian Elite who rule our world and have a plan to bring in a new world order through chaos or crisis. Their motto is “Order out of Chaos,” which radical Marxists, who are tools of the Illuminati, call “manufactured crisis.” In order to achieve their goal of a Luciferian New World Order or what Aleister Crowley termed the “New Aeon” they create a never ending series of crises. Their disciples move from nation to nation, strategically overwhelming all existing social, political and economic systems, causing them to break down in order to create chaos. When the chaos becomes global and threatens the very existence of Mankind, their plan calls for the establishment of a new global order. Over 2500 years ago the Prophet Daniel predicted this new order as the “Fourth Beast,” which is the final world government before the return of Jesus Christ to planet Earth. It will consist of three parts: a one world political system, a one world economic system, and a one world religion. Everything you see in the news media and all the chaos in the geopolitical, economic, and social spheres of our society is being scientifically engineered to bring about “the Plan.” When Daniel had his vision and interpreted the dream of the King of Babylon, he predicted the rise and fall of four great Gentile world empires: the Babylonian Empire, the Medo-Persian Empire, the Grecian Empire led by Alexander the Great, and the Roman Empire, which will be revived in the last days. Daniel 7:2-8, "Daniel spoke saying, in my dream I saw four winds of the heavens strive upon the great sea." The "great sea" is the Mediterranean which was surrounded by the last world empire, Rome. In Revelation Chapter 17:2, 5 we read these words “With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” Verse 2 Here we see that the kings and elite of the world are committing fornication with “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” This elite class has chosen to drink the wine of the spirit of Babylon and to have intercourse with her. The ruling elite have chosen to join themselves at every level to the Mystery Religions started at the Tower of Babel, which was the world’s first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion. However, in order to understand the relationship between the elite and Mystery Babylon, it is important to understand the genetic and interdimensional aspects of the Tower of Babel. It was not just a building, but the product of advanced science and technology that existed in Pre-Flood super civilizations like Atlantis, Thule, and Hyberborea and functioned as a Stargate, an interdimensional portal which allowed the entrance of interdimensional beings or fallen angels into planet Earth. The word Babylon literally means the “the gate of God” or “the gate of the gods,” and at the very highest levels of the Illuminati, they understand this. The ancient Babylonian religions are all about the worship of Lucifer and the accessing of occult science, technology, and supernatural intelligence and wisdom. When Satan in the form of a serpent in the Garden of Eden told Adam and Eve “You shall become as gods,” this was not a complete lie. It contained a partial truth, in that if Mankind would worship Lucifer, he would give humans supernatural intelligence and power. However, they could never become God.
The Illuminati are operating on a far higher level of intelligence, power, science, and technology than the masses of people under our current Pharaoh god-king system understand. Just like in ancient Egypt and in Atlantis, where they were ten god-kings, there exist elite classes which have been given god-like powers to rule over Mankind. The term “god-kings” is not simply a metaphor... it means that the rulers and creators of ancient super civilizations like Atlantis and Hyperborea were interdimensional beings, fallen angels, and people, who some believe came from the stars. This is what the term “scientific elite” is really all about; it refers to the existence of an elite class of beings whose DNA is both human and interdimensional. This is what the elites in the occult secret societies like the Rosicrucians, Illuminati, OTO, Golden Dawn, Vril, Thule, and others understand. The Illuminati are using occult technology and science to produce chaos through “climate change,” war, economic crisis, social upheaval, the disintegration of Judeo-Christian morality and social norms, and new technologies; it is a dangerous illusion to think that all of these things are natural. When the “Watchers” descended to Mount Hermon in Phoenicia before the Flood of Noah they passed on to Mankind highly advanced science and technology that enabled people to build super civilizations whose archaeological ruins still exist today in places like Russia, Egypt, South America, China, and other regions in the world. Recently in Russia, on Mount Shoria in southern Siberia, researchers have found gigantic granite stones that are estimated to weigh more than 3,000 tons, cut with mathematical precision to build a temple-like structure. Illuminati leader Albert Pike wrote in a letter in 1871 to Mazzini in Europe, another member of the Illuminati as well as an Italian Communist Revolutionary leader, about a supernatural vision he had for Three World Wars. In the Third World War, Pike predicted that this conflict would be centered on the nation of Israel and the Muslim nations. Russia has over 100,000 troops around the Ukraine, and if the U.S. and NATO are planning some kind of confrontation with Russia, this could escalate into World War III. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is operating against the back drop of Iran finalizing its nuclear capability by this summer, a plan by the U.S. and the U.N. to divide the land of Israel, the rapid devaluation of the dollar, the increasing militarism and bellicosity of China, and the continued push of militant Islam throughout the Middle East. Interestingly, the Old Testament has a prophecy given by the Prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 38 about a Russian led invasion of Israel along with Iran and a coalition of Islamic nations. An important point needs to be raised here; think-tanks, historians, economists and military planners are attempting to plan for coming world events based on mathematical analysis of statistical data using computers. In their book Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Think by Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier, the authors maintain that “We as humans are creating a socially-embedded cyber-physical information system – a network of devices embedded in the society and in the physical world. Smartphones and wearable devices are tearing down the digital-physical barrier, creating simultaneously the ability to digitally track the state, location, and preferences of a large number of individuals, and at the same time empowering their capability to be networked, to be informed and to inform in a timely fashion, both at the individual and collective level.” Companies like Twitter and Facebook “have demonstrated the enormous power of complementary user-driven data development combined with scalable analysis algorithms.” This makes it possible to predict and control social, economic and world events to a large degree. The “World Brain” conceived by George Orwell is being created and with computer technology it will allow for computer-brain interfaces that will eventually unify the world on every level, except that it will be a top-down hierarchy built along the organization flow chart of the Illuminati pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar where those who have been illuminated will constitute the elite who rule the masses. At the very top of this pyramid, Lucifer will be the capstone and rule the world through the Antichrist. But the scientific and managerial classes who are only privy to compartmentalized information do not understand that they are attempting to perceive the world in black and white, instead of the full color spectrum that the world really exists in. They are oblivious to massive sources of information available from extra-dimensional sources such as the Fourth Dimension. Quantum Physics, Scalar Technology, and other sciences have made it possible to gain information from another dimension outside of space and time. This same advanced science and technology enabled super civilizations that existed before the flood to build massive structures that we do not have the technology to build today, and also gave the ability to predict the future. In addition, despite their 100% reliability, Biblical prophecies are ignored by many in the scientific, political, and military community. Ironically, the heads of the some of the most powerful empires in history did not ignore Bible prophecy. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon paid close attention to the prophecies of Daniel, as did King Darius of the Medo-Persian Empire, and Alexander the Great. Aldous Huxley, a member of the scientific and Illuminati elite, as well as a member of the cult of Dionysus, came to Hollywood in the 1930s to promote Eastern mysticism and the use of the psychedelic drug mescaline. Later on Huxley wrote the novel Brave New World where he outlined a scientific dictatorship built on the genetic breeding of a caste system which produced an elite class and a worker class. The worker class and the mid-level managerial class along with an upper-level managerial class, which would consist of journalists, politicians, scientists and educators, were scientifically bred to think only at certain controlled levels. This is why the upper level Luciferian Elite who rule our society today are hiding their secrets in plain sight, because they know that the masses cannot comprehend the data placed right in front of them. Information, science, and technology are compartmentalized so that only the highest level of the elite, such as those who are on the top of the Illuminati pyramid, are able to access the full spectrum of information. Zbigniew Brezezinski, a founder of the Trilateral Commission, wrote openly about “modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.” In his 1970 book,Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era he writes openly about the use of psychotronic weapons and the unprecedented expansion of scientific power over both Man’s environment and man himself. Brezezsinki knows he can talk about this openly because it will go right over the heads of Presidents, Generals, media, educators, and most everyone else. When people hear words like this, they experience cognitive dissonance, for and their brains have been programmed from birth not to be able to comprehend what he is talking about any more than the lower classes in Huxley’s genetically bred world could comprehend that they were bred and scientifically educated to be slaves! Conversely, many of the movers and shakers in our society are educated outside of the social engineering centers we call public education that are designed to dumb down the populace. For example, Lady Gaga, Facebook’s co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin were all educated at “gifted” children schools. Supposedly Lady Gaga was composing music at four and Zuckerberg speaks five languages including Latin. However, even at this level information is still compartmentalized. Modern Public education does not even offer music programs anymore as it did in previous generations. Music and the arts have been stripped from the public school system because they open up neurological pathways in the right brain which causes people to be able to think independently, question dogma, and be creative. The emphasis in contemporary public education is to suppress the development of the right brain by overwhelming children with useless information and forcing teachers to teach to the test. This develops compliant, dumbed down citizens, yet American Middle Class parents cheer this process on because they have been indoctrinated by men like Bill Gates into believing that if their children are able to achieve high test scores based on memorizing useless information they are better educated. This is why Illuminati and occult symbols are no longer hidden in our world and they populate music award ceremonies, music videos, Olympic ceremonies, feature films, and the media. The reality is that even though they are in plain sight, the masses cannot see them, nor can they comprehend them. They cannot bring themselves to see the obvious. Peaches Geldof recently died at the age of 25 years old. Peaches was the daughter of Bob Geldof, an entertainer who was granted knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II. Before her mysterious death Peaches Geldof started practicing the rites of Aleister Crowley’s OTO, or Ordo Templi Orientis, and she was a follower of Thelema, which practices Crowleyian “sexmagick.” Apparently, Peaches died about a year after joining these elite occult societies. Aliester Crowley’s phrases like “Do What Thou Wilt” are proudly displayed on the clothing of music industry giants like JZ, and Illuminati symbols dominate the music videos of the biggest names in the music industry like Beyonce, Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, Madonna and others. Aliester Crowley, who was known as “The Great Beast 666” traveled to Egypt where he claimed to communicate directly with the Egyptian god Horus. Allegedly, he participated in and taught the need for brutal sacrifices, including human sacrifice during black masses. While Crowley was in Sicily, his followers set up a ritual center called the Abbey of Thelema, which became known for brutal sacrifices and caused Mussolini to force them to leave the country. During World War II Aleister Crowley worked for British Intelligence, spying on Adolph Hitler, yet at the same time Hitler was a follower of some of Crowley’s teachings. The U.S. Military was far behind Nazi Germany in terms of mind control, rocket, and genetic technologies. The reason for this was that the Nazi scientists were accessing supernatural information and were able to synthesize natural, scientific, and supernatural sources of power in the form of things like the Vril force. Himmler’s Ahnenerbe SS, which was a high-level scientific team which included Werner von Braun, was developing science-fiction and Stargate technologies such as secret flying-disc technology, antigravity, and time travel. U.S. Naval Intelligence wanted to develop a team of “out of the box thinkers” who could help America develop these science fiction-type technologies. Naval Lt. Robert A. Heinlein, who later became one of the greatest science fiction writers of our time, headed up a team of science fiction writers like L. Sprague Camp, Isaac Asimov, and L. Ron Hubbard to conceptualize new technologies. Later on a disciple and possible successor of Aleister Crowley, rocket scientist Jack Parsons, helped to set up an OTO cult in Pasadena, California. Wernher von Braun, the Nazi rocket scientist who helped start NASA, had strong connections with Jack Parsons. The reality and history of these technologies is beyond the grasp of most people in our culture. However, young people by the millions are being exposed to them in the form of comic books and blockbuster movies. The first Captain America movie as well as the sequel, Captain America: Winter Soldieris all about the existence of secret occult Nazi rocket, mind control, and genetic sciences which were designed to create super soldiers. The film was based on a 2005 comic written by Ed Brubaker, who obviously has extensive knowledge about the existence of secret military programs involving Nazi scientists. Brubaker’s father and uncle were in Naval Intelligence and the CIA. Interestingly it was Naval Intelligence that put together the team of Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and L. Ron Hubbard. These sciences and technologies are no longer in the realm of science fiction. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is currently developing transhumanist technologies that will merge biology with machine. The goal is to create synthetic super soldiers and to integrate human beings with robotics. Artificial human brains, robot aircraft, androids, and computers using artificial intelligence are just the beginning. Robotic limbs, controlled, computerized brain enhancement, enhanced human vision with cat DNA, battlefield robots, cyborg soldiers, and the merger of human with machines is all being planned. The ultimate goal of all this is artificial immortality. The Bible when read properly predicts these events. The account of Noah is not the story of some old man with a beard who built an ark before the Flood. The story of Noah when properly understood is a story about the DNA of the human race being corrupted by interdimensional beings. The ark is all about gathering a human family whose DNA has not been corrupted along with male and female animals of every species whose DNA was intact for the purpose of reproduction after the Flood. Jesus Christ referred to the interdimensional beings when He talked about the days of Noah being repeated in the time period before His return. Jesus Christ was specifically talking about the existence of the Nephilim. In the book of Revelation we read about nano-chip or biochip implants being used in a one world economic system. In addition, a careful reading of Revelation introduces the reader to genetically modified super soldiers, fallen angel technology, transhumanism, interdimensional portals such as the Abyss, warfare between fallen angels and the angels of God, the possibility of a UFO-event consisting of spiritual deception when the False Prophet calls fire down from Heaven, and massive earth changes. The Antichrist may well be a genetic hybrid of human and fallen angel DNA. The False Prophet will cause the world to worship the “image of the beast.” Is this a holographic image? Since the Antichrist is killed and brought back to life, has he become a human/machine Android or a clone? Clearly, there is no definite statement in the Biblical text, but the descriptions in the Book of Revelation reference both the supernatural and highly advanced technology and science. Finally, there is the reality that God and His Word are one. Jesus Christ is the Word become flesh. In John 1:1 it reads, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In Genesis we read that God spoke the world into existence through His Word. Also, the Bible tells us that “the Word of God is alive and active…” This indicates that the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation is not simply Truth in written form, but that the Word of God is a manifestation of God Himself and this Word is both supernatural and living. Everything in our multi-dimensional universe is in a sense a holographic projection of the thoughts and will of God brought into being through His Word. Therefore the Word of God must be composed of living energy that is both supernatural and personal. This must mean that the Word must constantly be generating a vibrational frequency, the frequency of God. This frequency frames our world, the universe, sub-atomic particles, and the so-called ether of the Fourth Dimension, creates the DNA code, and acts like a massive holographic projector creating all reality and all life. An understanding of this would give us full disclosure into what physicists postulate would be a “Theory of Everything.” In addition, if Quantum Physicists are current and the universe is held together through what String Theory identifies as vibrating strings, then there must be a Composer behind the exact frequencies of the vibrations. When we read the Book of Revelation, we see millions of people and beings worshipping God with musical song. This is the most power vibration from which the universe is held together. As men and women we live in time and space. Yet time and space are finite and we are coming to the end of human history. This is what is referred to as the End of the Age and it will culminate in the destruction of the Earth and the heavens. We are in the last days and it in this time period that signs will appear. Beginning on April 15, 2014 and extending to September 28, 2015, there will appear four Blood Moons and a solar eclipse. In Acts Chapter 2:20 it says “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.” This will bring about the end of the rule of the Illuminati and an opportunity for anyone who chooses to be free from the slavery of the Pharaoh god-king system ruling this planet.
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