The Armageddon Fuse Is Lit
The stage is slowly being set for an Armageddon-style conflict in the Middle East that will have global implications. America’s military efforts in Iraq and the accompanying regime change is simply one small move in a global-geopolitical chess game. In this end game, militant Islamic extremists such as Osama Bin Laden are using America’s military involvement in Iraq as a propaganda tool in the minds of millions of Muslims. Al Qaeda leaders are saying that America and Israel are waging a war against all of Islam. The strategy by al Qaeda, the PLO and other militant Islamic groups is simple. “Portray George W. Bush as a “Cowboy Crusader” who has declared a global holy war against Islam and inflame the passions of Muslims everywhere to join with the Islamic extremists and conquer the west for Allah!”
The goal of the Islamic extremists is to strike fear in Western economies and incite all Muslims to join in the jihad against a “Zionist controlled America” and European nations which sympathize with the United States. In short, the Islamic extremists want to light the fuse of Armageddon by launching a wave of terrorist attacks across the world. Here are some of the possible scenarios:
Scenario 1: Overthrow the current government in Saudi Arabia and cause complete chaos in that nation. This might include a nuclear strike at the big Saudi oil terminal at Ras Tanura.
Scenario 2: A major biological, chemical or nuclear attack against an Arab capital such as Kuwait, Bahtain, Qatar or Oman.
Scenario 3: A major biological, chemical or nuclear attack against one of Israel’s main cities.
Scenario 4: A major biological, chemical or nuclear attack against a European city whose nation has been an ally of the United States. For example, London would be a key target.
Scenario 5: A series of major biological, chemical and nuclear strikes against American cities. Conduct a series of assassinations against high level political and religious leaders in the United States.
Israel: The Center of the Cyclone
The possibility of World War III and an Armageddon type conflict revolves one nation in the world, and that nation is Israel. Since Israel’s reformation in 1948, Israel has been in the center of the cyclone. The driving force behind militant Islam’s deep hatred of Israel is their theological belief that Jews are the enemies of Allah and Islam. The United States of America is viewed as the “Great Satan” because America supports Israel. The goal of the PLO and the Islamic militants is not the creation of a Palestinian State, but rather to “drive Israel into the sea.” As such, the existence of Israel and their right to the land has become a problem for both Europe and America who would like to see the creation of a Palestinian State in order to achieve peace.
Ironically, the Old Testament prophet Zechariah predicted that “Jerusalem would be a cup of trembling to the nations” and a “burdensome stone” over 2500 years ago. Over 50 years ago Israel did not even exist as a modern nation. The land was called Palestine and had a largely Arab population. Yet, in 1948 Israel was mysteriously reborn as a nation. Today, the 5.6 billion inhabitants of Planet Earth look at Israel as the center of all global conflict and the Middle East peace process as mankind’s only hope of survival. |
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