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Listen to Paul McGuire’s Study of the Book of John

on MP3 Download and Be Set Free!

The Book of John by Paul McGuire 1-2


The Book of John by Paul McGuire 3-4


Listen to international Bible teacher Paul McGuire teach from the Book of John verse by verse.  In this series which will cover the entire Book of John, Paul teaches on chapters based on topics and teachings that Jesus Christ wants us to understand.  For example, in Paul’s Book of John segments 1-2 and 3-4, Paul focuses in on the powerful truth of Abiding in the Vine or abiding in Jesus Christ. When we Abide in the Vine which is Jesus Christ, we are living in His Word and when His Word dwells in us, we are given supernatural authority, love, joy, peace and power in order to overcome in every situation in life.  Paul’s teaching is always rooted in the prophetic Word of God. The Book of John gives us powerful supernatural principles that Jesus taught His disciples so that they could live victoriously in the last days.

Many people are suffering from anxiety, depression, fear, relationship problems and in many other areas because of the increased stress and pressure that comes from living in a world that is falling apart.  In each Book of John download, Paul McGuire teaches us the central truth that Jesus Christ wants His followers to know. This truth is that no matter how intelligent, wealthy, prepared, strong and organized you are, life is going to continually confront you with problems that are impossible for you to solve on your own resources. Paul teaches in this series that will totally transform your life, that God is our Source and that it is only through His supernatural resources that we can overcome and be victorious! Each download is approximately 1½ to 2 hours or more.

In the Book of John Download 1-2, Paul teaches from John chapters 14, 15 and 16. Paul reads from the Word of God and teaches how the secret to accessing God’s supernatural power, miracles and promises in your life is based on the principle of learning how to “Abide in the Vine.”


The Book of John Download 1-2 by Paul McGuire

Paul teaches from John chapters 14, 15 and 16.




The Book of John Download 3-4 by Paul McGuire

Paul teaches many different life changing truths from John chapters 14, 15 and 16.

In the Book of John Download 3-4, Paul teaches more truths from John chapters 14, 15 and 16.  In this download, Paul emphasizes the Holy Spirit, Helper, Comforter and Counselor.  Paul teaches on why Jesus Christ told His disciples that it was better for Him to go away so that the Father could send the promise of the Holy Spirit.  Another powerful secret to the Christian life is the revelation from the Word of God that Jesus lives inside of us in the Person of the Holy Spirit.  “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world!”  We can ask God for what we need in prayer and we can see those prayers answered by “Abiding in the Vine.” This teaching shows us how we do not have to be afraid and have anxiety and depression in the last days. Every believer can learn how to overcome and be victorious through the power of the Spirit and the Word of God. Paul teaches that even with all the pressure coming against us, God will supernaturally answer our prayers in specific areas of our lives, if we ask Him.

These teachings will renew your mind and fill you with faith, peace, love, joy and hope!  When you listen to these teachings on the Book of John by Paul McGuire, you will be set free by the Word of God.  You will be filled with a fresh sense of hope and how God’s power can be released in your life.  By meditating on these verse by verse teachings from the Book of John, the Lord will move into your life in a powerful way.  No matter what your spiritual battle is, you will be filled with supernatural hope and be built up by the Word of God.  We live in a media-saturated age where sin, bad news, despair and negativity bombard us constantly.  But, God wants us to learn how to overcome and be victorious.  These teachings from the Book of John are a perfect complement to Paul’s books like “A Prophecy of the Future of America.”  These teachings have come out of Paul’s personal study of the Book of John and what the Holy Spirit placed on His heart about how God wants His people to be victorious.  Paul felt led to teach from the Book of John because he would meet Christians everywhere who were trying to live the Christian life on their own strength and failing.  Paul wants to share with you solidly Biblical principles from the Word of God about how you can be filled with joy and hope!  Download these powerful teachings now!

The Book of John 3-4 by Paul McGuire



The Book of John 1-2 by Paul McGuire




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