“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland – specifically, Schwab’s comment that the global economic crisis was a “transformational crisis” useful in reshaping a “new world.”
While being interviewed by MSNBC on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Henry Kissinger, a high ranking member of the Council on Foreign Relations said, “President Obama is coming into office at a moment when there is upheaval in many parts of the world simultaneously,” Kissinger responded. “You have India, Pakistan; you have the jihadist movement. So he can’t really say there is one problem, that it’s the most important one. But he can give new impetus to American foreign policy partly because the reception of him is so extraordinary around the world. His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It’s a great opportunity, it isn’t just a crisis.” Again, the word “crisis” is used. Since H.G. Wells, the science fiction writer who wrote such classics as “The War of the World’s” and “The Invisible Man” belonged to a group of British intellectuals who developed a master plan to bring in a new world order through “crisis.”
This is why David Rockefeller, of the Rockefeller family who financed and created the United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission said, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” The present financial crisis has been deliberately created as a form of psychological warfare designed to create and environment of fear and panic where people of sovereign nations like the United States, England, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and other nations will voluntarily give up their freedoms and welcome a form of “world socialist government’ where the world will be controlled by a new United Nations-type Constitution. Fabian socialists like H.G. Well’s understood that in order for a world socialist government to succeed it would need an International Criminal Court and a United Nations army in order to enforce its dictates. This is why the U.S. has been systematically disarmed since 1961. I provide the complete story in “The Day The Dollar Died.”
A lot of people come up to me and ask questions like, “If we try to make a change isn’t that interfering with Bible prophecy?” or “Doesn’t that the Bible say in that in the last days things are going to get worse ...so why should we try to change things?” or “I am just called to preach the Gospel.” First of all we don’t have to worry about changing Bible prophecy. God is Sovereign and there is nothing we can do that would prevent His prophetic plan from happening. Number two, it is true that in the last days things are going to get worse. The closer we get to the return of Christ the more evil men and women will become. However, we are called to be salt and light. We are called to speak out for righteousness and make a difference where we can. This is not about attempting to usher in the Kingdom of God through human effort. Ultimately, the world will only be transformed when Christ returns to rule and reign. But we are called to occupy until He comes!
Thirdly, nowhere in the Bible does it say “you are just called to preach the Gospel.” In fact, if you read the entire passage surrounding the “Great Commission” we are to make disciples of all nations. That means we are not only to proclaim the message of salvation, but we are to communicate a Biblical worldview and participate in every area of society.
It is absolutely imperative that we can get the information out that is contained in “The Day The Dollar Died!” There are powerful forces that want to destroy our religious liberties and Constitution. They are actively working to submerge America under the rule of a world government with a United Nations-type of Constitution where you would no longer have freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. They are working at this very moment to re-write our Constitution. They are signing treaties and rapidly expanding the powers of Big Brother! Unless we change things they plan to make it illegal to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach the Bible. That will be considered a “hate crime” even to say that Jesus Christ is the Way to heaven...that will be a criminal offense because it is intolerant. If they have their way they will shut down all true Bible believing churches and arrest pastors and church leaders. True Christian television and radio will be outlawed and then they will go after the Internet as they have done in China. You say it can’t happen here. That’s what the Jews said, in Nazi, Germany. They said, “it can’t happen here” and then they died. Not only can it happen here, it is happening here! This is why it is vital to distribute as many copies as you can of “The Day The Dollar Died.” There is no other book that details all this information. In addition, we need you financial help to buy radio air time and produce television. If you say you can’t afford it, you better think twice. You cannot “not” afford it. If you don’t act your dollar will be worthless and you will have no freedom. It will be just like China! We are making “The Day The Dollar Died” available at quantity discounts.
I believe that the Lord will rapture His Church before the Tribulation Period. But, nowhere in the Bible does it say that the “rapture” is an American rapture. We may go through intense persecution here before the Lord returns. Historically, this is how it begins. First, Christian and Jews are demonized and mocked in the media. Then they make fun of our traditional values and do everything they can to spread confusion, lies, undermine patriotism, attack Christian leaders and promote every form of immorality. This strategy is specifically discussed in the Communist publications. The plan is to brainwash you and your children. We now live in a world where they call evil good and good evil.
The majority of Christians in America are the Laodecian Church and they are blind to what is happening. Instead of pastors who preach the Word of God, they want entertainers who will “tickle” their ears. This is why it is so important for us to expand our television and radio outreach. We have a unique message and that no one else is communicating in the way that we are. Most Americans do no understand that there liberties have already been taken from them. The famous Constitutional Attorney. John Whitehead who represented Paula Jones in the legal case against former President Bill Clinton, has been a guest on my show numerous times. He has warned repeatedly that we are becoming a “Police State” and soon we will reach the point of no return.
It is highly possible that if the present economic downturn continues in our nation and other nations around the world that we could live under Martial Law. There are people inside of this country today who would seek to exploit the chaos and establish a dictatorship here in American and other nations. If these outlaws succeed, there will be bloody revolution where millions of Americans, and especially Christians and conservative Jews will be killed or sent to concentration camps. If you think that it is an overstatement, than I would suggest to you, that you need to be informed of the facts. “We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” -James R. Warburg , Council On Foreign Relations read “The Day The Dollar Died” and find out who really financed the Communist Revolution. Read the published papers of some of the most powerful leaders in the world who are advocating a new world order. I quote them in my book. Read from their own words exactly what they have planned. They are not hiding anything. It is as H.G. Well’s said, an “Open Conspiracy.” I quote him in “The “Day The Dollar Died.” They want the world ruled by what they call a “scientific elite.” You and I don’t matter, they view us as serfs. Black, yellow, white, brown, male, female, liberal or conservative they view us serfs and we are disposable in their eyes.
Dr. Francis Schaeffer whose family had a tremendous influence on my family wrote: “At that point the world on the left or right will make no difference. There are only two roads to the same road to the same end. There will be no difference if it is authoritarian government from the left or the right the results will be the same; An elite, an authoritarianism as such will gradually force form upon a society so that it will no go on in chaos. And most people will accept from a desire for personal peace and affluence from apathy and from the yearning for order to assure the function of some kind of political system and the affairs of daily life. That is just what Rome did with Caesar Augustus.”
In “The Day The Dollar Died” I detail about how all f the surveillance and Police State technology that U.S. companies sold to Communist China for the Olympics are being sold here in the United States and Europe. Retina scan, biometrics, reading of brain waves, biochip implants and computer files accessible to just about anyone kept about every single private detail of your entire life!
Through mass social engineering developed by the Tavistock Institute, which I discuss in the book, they are expecting that you will do nothing as the Christian Church has essentially done since 1850 when this whole thing began to take off. But, I believe there is a remnant in the land and the primary battle is spiritual.
The words of Winston Churchill should reverberate in our ears when he told the people of England: “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.”
Because we have ignored warning after warning, we are now at that place in history. Unless you do your part now, you will face a further choice, also described by Mr. Churchill. He said, “There may be even a worse fate. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.”
The men and women who founded America would have known exactly what to do in time like this. First, they would have cried out to God with all their heart and soul. There would have been mass calls to repentance, fasting and prayer. These men and women had hearts that were set on fire by the Spirit of God. The fire in their hearts consumed their love of the world and caused them to desire to walk in holiness before the Lord. A Great Awakening swept America led by preachers like Jonathan Edwards who preached “hell fire and damnation.” The kind of preaching this is made fun of by some celebrity preachers of mega-churches who go on national television denying that there in only one way to God and refusing to talk about sin, repentance, judgment, heaven and hell.
I cannot do this alone. I have thrown everything I have into this ministry of being a Watchman on the Wall and warning, educating and giving the people of God an action plan that no other ministry is doing. Are you willing to be obedient to God and give according to the degree He has blessed. I have given everything I have
Here’s how you can help:
1. Pray, fast and intercede for me, our ministry, our leaders, other ministries. We are on the front lines of the spiritual battle for you, your family, children. We do not look down or think we are better than any other ministry. We have all bee giving different calling. Recognize that as the world gets darker spiritually we are going to need each other despite our differences We are all part of the Body of Christ.
2. I wrote the book “The Day The Dollar Died” to explain exactly what is gong on in our nation and world. The Word of God says, “My people perish for lack of wisdom.” You can help by distributing the book to friends, neighbors, relatives and business associates and local and national political leaders. You can help by getting a copy of this book in your pastor of Church leader’s hands. Again, we will offer you discounts on buying quantities of “The Day The Dollar Died.” This is very costly for us, but our goal is to get this book into as many hands as possible so we can educate people about what is happening.
Give copies of the book to your home groups, Bible studies and other associations you have.
Utilize Blog sites, Facebook, chat rooms, the Internet, E Mail blasts Other technology to spread the message. Contact radio and television hosts to have me on as a quest and send them a book with a polite letter or Email them. Call radio and television shows and talk about the book by name on the air.
Help us financially through donations so we can purchase radio time and produce television, send out mass mailings and give away copies for free. I receive many Emails a day from former listeners who want me back on the air. I would like to go back on the air on stations I have been on in the past, but I want to buy airtime so I can communicate this message. If you want me back on then you need to help financially. Some of you could write out one check and pay for the entire air time for a year. I have to sign a one year upfront contract which involves considerable expense so I need your help to pay for the air time.
We have put all of our resources in this ministry of being a prophetic Watchman and ministering by talking about things that other ministries are not talking about. Again, they have a different calling. I would not ask you to give, if I had not first given with tremendous sacrifice. I have given all I can and more. Now as your brother in Christ I am asking you to give. Some of you could give a million dollars because that is the degree the Lord has blessed you. For others it may be lesser amounts. But, God has blessed many of you with considerable resources. When you go home to be with the Lord you can’t take your money with you. As I have said before, we are very frugal. I don’t live in a mansion, I don’t drive luxury cars and I live a Middle Class lifestyle. I could have live a much affluent lifestyle and there is nothing wrong with that, but we were called to put our resources on the line.
A man sent us a $5 money order to help us in our ministry. I was very honored and thankful because I knew that $5 he gave was a tremendous sacrifice.
We really don’t have much time left in America and other nations of the world. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few.” In a matter of months, if there is a major crisis or terrorist attack, it could be to late. We will live under Martial Law and a new Constitution. The Lord has given us one last chance. If we do seize this moment, it will be to late and there will be no going back.
Again, that is not an overstatement. Read “The Day of The Dollar” where I quote the leaders of this new world order like Henry Kissinger who made two separate statements calling on President Obama to bring in the new world order. This is not a partisan issue, both Bush, Sr. and George W. Bush were promoting a new world order. In fact, it was George Bush, Sr. who first used the term. Than due to the tremendous criticism he received most political figures stopped using the term, until the last month. I heard from a highly confidential source from someone who worked very closely with George Bush, Sr. in the White House, that he was highly offended when Pat Robertson talked about his use of the term in a book he wrote. But, the issue is not one of being offended. The question is, “Is it true?”
You can help by ordering multiple copies of “The Day The Dollar Died’ ( please allow several weeks for shipping they coming hot off the printing press ) and distributing them to others who need to hear the message. “The Day The Dollar Died” makes a great evangelistic tool because it explains what is really going on in our world economically, the one world economic system, the cashless society and relates it to the prophecies of Daniel, John in Revelation the Apostle Paul. It also makes a great Bible study book for those who are serious about wanting to know where our world is headed from the perspective of prophecy.
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