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By Paul McGuire
July 21, 2014




Anti-Israel riots rocked Paris and London as thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched in French cities on Saturday to protest violence in Gaza, defying a ban imposed after demonstrators marched on two synagogues in Paris last weekend and clashed with riot police. In the first three months of 2014 more Jews left France for Israel than at any other time since the Jewish state was created in 1948, citing rising anti-Semitism as a factor. Thousands of protesters rallied in London and other European cities.




Populist forces rising up against Vladimir Putin and Russia are allegedly linked to Neo-Nazi fighting forces first established in the Ukraine by Hitler’s Third Reich in World War II and Neo-Nazi populist groups in Greece and Cyprus are linked to Nazi German occult societies Golden Dawn and O.T.O. (Order of the Temple of the Orient).


The Malaysian airlines Boeing 777 was shot down by a missile while flying over the Ukraine. Paranoia over the Stock Market bubble is increasing as the S &P 500 soars. Russia, Ukraine, U.S., NATO and EU military conflict is brewing as Russia leads the charge to replace the dollar with a new currency. Other nations like China, Iran, Syria, Australia, and other nations are not using the dollar to trade in oil, in favor of competing currencies. The U.S. could face several critical military fronts involving Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and China. World War II was started by less than what is currently going on in the Ukraine and Syria. If the missile which hit the Boeing 777 over the Ukraine turns out to be from a terrorist group or Russia, this could trigger a serious regional thermonuclear war and escalate into World War III. The devaluation of the dollar by Russia and other nations is perceived as a form of economic warfare against the U.S. and it also negatively impacts Britain, Europe, Argentina, Japan, and other nations across the world. In this environment, a possible Stock Market crash or rapid loss of gains in the equity market could have massive negative economic consequences in the U.S. and impact the rest of the world. The crisis at the border, where floods of immigrants are coming in from nations south of Mexico, could overwhelm the system, which would cause widespread economic disruption, especially in African American communities, which would be the first to feel the impact. This could lead to civil unrest and racial riots.




In the Book of Zechariah, the prophet predicts a future time when all the nations and the peoples will be united against Jerusalem and attack it.


“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.” -Zechariah 12:2


In 2005, I wrote extensively about the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States in what was termed the North American Union, which is a regional global government modeled on the European Union, African Union, Asian Union, etc. The goal is create a world government composed of 10 regional global governments that would be run by the United Nations. The Rockefeller financed United Nations produced the 59 page report called “Building a North American Community: Report of an Independent Task Force,” published in March 2005. One of the major think tanks behind this is the IPS (Institute of Policy Studies), which, according to its critics, is a “KGB think tank,” whose leaders occupy many other organizations set up by George Soros and others. On page 26-27 of the report it states:


“Increase Labor Mobility within North America People are North America’s greatest asset. Goods and services cross Borders easily; ensuring the legal transit of North American workers has been more difficult. Experience with the NAFTA visa system suggests that its procedures need to be simplified, and such visas should be made available to a wider range of occupations and to additional categories of individuals such as students, professors, bona fide frequent visitors, and retirees."


To make the most of the impressive pool of skill and talent within North America, the three countries should look beyond the NAFTA Visa system. The large volume of undocumented migrants from Mexico within the United States is an urgent matter for those two countries to address. A long-term goal should be to create a ‘North American preference’—new rules that would make it much easier for employees to move and for employers to recruit across national boundaries within the continent. This would enhance North American competitiveness, increase productivity, contribute to Mexico’s development, and address one of the main outstanding issues on the Mexican-U.S. bilateral agenda. Canada and the United States should consider eliminating restrictions on labor mobility altogether and work toward solutions that, in the long run, could enable the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico as well.”


Although the terminology has been modified, what is now happening along the southern border of the U.S. is part of a long term plan to totally eliminate the borders and merge Canada, Mexico, and the United States into one nation, a regional government called the “North American Union.” The same elite forces which established the European Union are behind the North American Union, and these the are the same forces that are behind creating a Palestinian State, with the endgame of making Jerusalem an international city.





All of these plans call for a one world government and one world economic system. Therefore, the endgame for America is first a universal healthcare plan and then merging the Social Security system of the United States with Mexico. The financial mechanism for doing this is through bank “bail ins,” like the ones in Cypress and Greece where individuals’ retirement plans and savings are seized by the banks and then later redistributed in a global socialist system. The assets of the middle class will be seized this way and redistributed to create a regional government leading to a World Socialist Government run by the United Nations.


• Create a ‘North American preference.’ Canada, the United States, and Mexico should agree on streamlined immigration and labor mobility rules that enable citizens of all three countries to work elsewhere in North America with far fewer restrictions than immigrants from other countries. This new system should be both broader and simpler than the current system of NAFTA visas. Special immigration status should be given to teachers, faculty, and students in the region.


• Move to full labor mobility between Canada and the United States. To make companies based in North America as competitive as possible in the global economy, Canada and the United States should consider eliminating all remaining barriers to the ability of their citizens to live and work in the other country. This free flow of people would offer an important advantage to employers in both countries by giving them rapid access to a larger pool of skilled labor, and would enhance the well-being of individuals in both countries by enabling them to move quickly to where their skills are needed. In the long term, the two countries should work to extend this policy to Mexico as well, though doing so will not be practical until wage differentials between Mexico and its two North American neighbors have diminished considerably.” 


I predict in great detail the above scenarios and how they fit in with America and the world in Bible prophecy in my book “A Prophecy of the Future of America”, which warns about what is about to happen soon in America and the world. In my book Countdown to Armageddon I made accurate predictions about a World Trade Center attack, Osama bin Laden, and Iraq before it happened. In my 2005 book “Are You Ready?” I predicted the current immigration crisis and the merger of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, along with events in Israel. In “The Day the Dollar Died” I predicted the economic crisis before it happened, the planned devaluation of the dollar, the coming world currency, and the rise of “Mark of the Beast” technology. In “A Prophecy of the Future of America” I explain from an analysis of Bible prophecy what is happening right now and what is going to happen in the coming days and months.



It is important to understand that apparently random events like Boeing 777 and other events in Russia, Ukraine, U.S., NATO, Syria, China, Iraq, and Iran,missile exchanges in Gaza, ISIS, immigration, Agenda 21, and the devaluation of the dollar weave together an elaborate tapestry where a new international order is being created out of the chaos. To focus on any one President like President Obama or any one political party is to miss the big picture.


I am thankful that my books like “Are You Ready?” were read by the Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and I discussed its message with former President Jimmy Carter. I was able to discuss the contents of “Are You Ready?” and “The Day the Dollar Died” with some of the world’s leading economists on the Fox News Network and CNN. Former Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rudin stood next to me as I recorded a documentary on the global financial system in front of the Council of Relations building in Manhattan, and former heads of the NSA had read my articles and written me about my book “A Prophecy of the Future of America”. In the book, I share a powerful message of hope for America and the world. This is why I am holding a series of “Hope and Prophecy for America” meetings, such as the one's we had on June 19th and on July 31st at the Sportsmen’s Lodge in Studio City, California. Check back frequently at for information on the next upcoming meeting!


God Bless You!

Paul McGuire







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